DC9723 October 2017 Meeting

DC9723 October 2017 Meeting

When: 24 of October, 2017 from 19:00 to 22:00
Where: SafeBreach Offices in Tel-Aviv (Yosef Karo 18, 4th floor, Tel Aviv.) NOTICE DIFFERENT LOCATION!

“Review of the Ukraine cyber attack 2015” – Guy Barnhart-Magen SLIDES
 “Tales from the Dark Side” – Dor Tumarkin SLIDES
"NATO war games, updating crypto vulns in IDs, and other stuff" - Hillar Aarelaid

As always, the talks are free and there is no need to register. Come and bring your friends.

*We need more talks, please consider submitting a talk for the next DC9723 meeting. For more details and questions, please contact cfp@dc9723.org

Review of the Ukraine cyber attack 2015 – Guy Barnhart-Magen
The cyber-attack on the Ukraine power grid was unique in that it was public, and not that it happened.
In this talk, I will discuss some unique characteristics of the attack, its structure, and the possible ramifications.
As this attack was attributed as a “cyber” act of war, the interest in the techniques and the methodology used is considerable.

Tales from the Dark Side – Dor Tumarkin
Information Security is a battle fought on many varied fronts.
Join Dor, a researcher and former consultant, as he shares stories of his team’s astounding victories against the feeble forces of good in “Tales from the Dark Side”.

NATO war games, updating crypto vulns in IDs, and other stuff – Hillar Aarelaid

Hillar is visiting from abroad. He has a lot to share with us. This is last minute so we don’t have a full abstract, but he will speak about planning security around online elections, patching physical IDs for SHA256, and running war games for NATO

DC9723 September 2017 Meeting

DC9723 September 2017 Meeting

When: 25 of September, 2017 from 19:00 to 22:00
Where: Checkpoint Offices in Tel-Aviv (HaSolelim 5 St, Tel Aviv.)

“Writing Malware without Writing Code”Gal Bitensky
“The evolution of credential hijacking”Tomer Zait

As always, the talks are free and there is no need to register. Come and bring your friends.

*We need more talks, please consider submitting a talk for the next DC9723 meeting. For more details and questions, please contact cfp@dc9723.org

Writing Malware without Writing Code – Gal Bitensky
What are the motivations and mechanics of code re-use by malware coders?
To understand that the talk will start with few in-the-wild examples of bad guys re-using existing source code.
Afterwards, an experimental “malware” written from scratch almost purely by copy pasting code snippets will be displayed.
A unique glimpse to its development process and how it performed against leading AVs will be discussed in detail.

The evolution of credential hijacking – Tomer Zait
The login interfaces haven’t changed much over the years, at least not on the client side. Many companies have been breached including some well-known ones like myspace, dropbox and linkedin.
Brute-force attacks have improved, both through statistics and by manipulating & bypassing the defense systems implemented. This talk will present the various attacks, the logic behind them, the possible results of these attacks and conclude with some tools and ideas to mitigate them.


August Meeting 2017

DC9723 Next Meeting (we are back!):
When: 22 of August, 2017 from 19:00 to 22:00
Where: Checkpoint Offices in Tel-Aviv (HaSolelim 5 St, Tel Aviv.)

“Passive fingerprinting of HTTP/2 clients” – Elad Shuster
“Hacked in Translation” – Omri Herscovici and Omer Gull

As always, the talks are free and there is no need to register. Come and bring your friends.

*Update – The presentations will be linked here soon.

*We need more talks, please consider submitting a talk for the next DC9723 meeting. For more details and questions, please contact cfp@dc9723.org